

Check in every week for relevant posts by Christian authors on God, truth and reality.

Is the Rainbow at Odds with the Cross?
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

Is the Rainbow at Odds with the Cross?

“. . . to claim the blessings of the bow, one must come to the cross, and cling to the cross. And when one comes to the cross, he or she, whether a homosexual sinner or a heterosexual sinner, can leave their sins behind and rise . . . a fully forgiven and transformed person.”

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Thanksgiving: the Inescapable Logic Underpinning It
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

Thanksgiving: the Inescapable Logic Underpinning It

Who or what are you thankful to? If God has no place in your answer to that question, it is for this article is written. The “logic of thanks” or thanksgiving—that the logical pathway of any thankfulness, must by deduction, lead directly back to God. What exactly is the “logic of thanksgiving?

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The Author wrote Himself into His Story
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

The Author wrote Himself into His Story

God is the Author of life. He wrote Himself into the story, literally entering the world He created—the Word becoming flesh—in the person of Jesus Christ, to rescue us from our greatest problem, sin and death.

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A Royal Birth, in Poverty
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

A Royal Birth, in Poverty

When you think of the birth of a royal child, you expect it to be steeped in royalty. Jesus Christ of Nazareth however, let go of the glory and honour of heaven, not tightly grasping His royal position, and came to earth to live in a position of poverty: the son of poor, powerless, peasant parents.

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Hope in Truth Hope in Truth


What are two components of our existence that never lack instant attention from the market and media, always receive high viewer ratings, always generate great business revenues, and above all, always determine the destiny of our lives? If I may say so, it is these two: spirituality and sexuality.

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The Cry for Justice and Joy: Does Rape Legitimize Abortion?
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

The Cry for Justice and Joy: Does Rape Legitimize Abortion?

In light of the 2022 debate surrounding Roe v. Wade, and its possibly being reversed or made permanent by the SCOTUS, some of the arguments laid out here are worth your time and consideration in this highly critical issue. This sort of sensitive topic requires some space for the development of thought that leads to a meaningful conclusion. While this article was written in 2015, in response to a comment on our stance on abortion, it is still relevant today in helping you form a worldview that leads to life.

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Connecting the Dots: The Graveclothes of Jesus
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

Connecting the Dots: The Graveclothes of Jesus

When disciples of Christ believe a lie about Christ that makes us hopeless, how does Christ restore our faith and hope in Him? One of the ways, according to this text, that Jesus restores our faith and hope in Him is…

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A Word that Displays Human Frailty
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

A Word that Displays Human Frailty

Here is the Creator of the universe: the One who commanded the molecules of hydrogen and oxygen to coalesce to form water; the One who changed the water into wine; the One who walked on water

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A Word that Expresses Forsakenness
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

A Word that Expresses Forsakenness

Describing all the heartbreaking details he saw, on one of his trips he described a look into this world as “lifting the lid to hell.” You cannot bear to look into such a place because of all the sin.

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A Word that Begins Relationships
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

A Word that Begins Relationships

At a time when Jesus is going through excruciating physical pain, and perhaps far worse pain emotionally, he binds people together in new relationships.

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The 7 Words of Christ from the Cross: Brief Meditations for Good Friday
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

The 7 Words of Christ from the Cross: Brief Meditations for Good Friday

The words of people in their dying moments reveal much about who they are, and the lives they lived. Many famous dying words come to mind, but none had an effect on humanity as when Jesus uttered His seven words from the cross.

Meditate on one, or all of Christ’s utterances on the cross, this Good Friday.

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How can I know Jesus?
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

How can I know Jesus?

If you have been searching for who Jesus is, then perhaps the next question you have is “How do I know Jesus?” If so, please read on.

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How do We Pray for Ukraine?
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

How do We Pray for Ukraine?

There has been and will continue to be grave injustices throughout this war. But who measures justice perfectly and judges altogether accurately, discerning all factors? I can tell you who does not: not NATO, not the UNO, not any other manmade organization, nor any human judge! Only God, who is perfectly holy and omniscient—reading the heart-motives of every man.

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Miracles, Anyone?
Hope in Truth Hope in Truth

Miracles, Anyone?

Does scientific sophistication or common sense stand in your way of believing? God is still the same miracle working God today. Science and common sense do not stand in His way of performing miracles . . .

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