A Word that Lifts Burdens

“Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing…”—Luke 23:34


Having been unjustly condemned to death by Pilate and the Jewish mob, Jesus is led to Calvary and crucified along with two criminals, one on either side of him. As they crucify Him, Jesus prays to His Father in Heaven, asking for all who are unjustly killing Him to be forgiven. It is a prayer that absolves them from their guilt and sin—including, if we can believe it, the sin of crucifying God’s Holy Son. And it is a prayer that would most assuredly be answered.


Notice He asks for their forgiveness, because they did not know what they were doing. In their minds, the Romans were putting to death a criminal; the Jews were eliminating a religious rival and heretic; but little did they know they were fulfilling God’s salvation plan for those who believe in Jesus—a plan made from before the foundation of the world. Were they culpable?—Yes. Were they worth forgiving? No. Neither are we worth His forgiveness. Yet God, for Christ’s, sake does.


When Jesus died on the cross, though you and I weren’t at the cross committing this heinous act, Jesus had us in mind when praying for forgiveness. It was our sin that nailed him there as much as the Jews and Romans did. Has your burden been lifted by receiving His forgiveness? And having been forgiven of sin committed against Jesus, do you forgive those who sin against you? 

Kenny Damara    


A Word that Grants Assurance


The 7 Words of Christ from the Cross: Brief Meditations for Good Friday