The 7 Words of Christ from the Cross: Brief Meditations for Good Friday

The words of people in their dying moments (should they speak) reveal much about who they are, and the lives they lived. Many famous dying words come to mind, but none had an effect on humanity as when Jesus uttered His seven words from the cross. Each word from Jesus is an expression packed with meaning: powerfully changing the course of life for those who believe in Him; granting benefits and blessings that we could never secure ourselves; and showing more of who the God-Man, Jesus Christ, really is.

Meditate on one, or all of Christ’s utterances on the cross, this Good Friday. Click on each to read:

1.    A word that lifts burdens

2.    A word that grants assurance

3.    A word that begins relationships

4.    A word that expresses forsakenness

5.    A word that displays human frailty

6.    A word that displays divine finality

7.    A word that restores fatherly confidence


A Word that Lifts Burdens


How can I know Jesus?