Hope in Truth Ministries is a ministry of Life for India, a US based non-profit organization.
Our Vision
The vision of Hope in Truth is to see people experience the hope that comes from knowing the truth about Jesus Christ, His Gospel, and all of His Word.
Our Mission
Our mission is to proclaim and explain the Good News of Jesus Christ. Evangelism, apologetics, and biblical exposition are our three main yet overlapping concentrations. We will fulfill our vision and mission through preaching, writing and the production of quality audio-video resources.
What does our logo symbolize?
The outermost circle represents reality. The circles within this circle represent the various facets of truth which converge, giving us hope. The yellow, or light filled center, represents that hope at the center of truth. The logo of Hope in Truth Ministries was designed by Bryan Butler.
The Board of Hope in Truth Ministries
Dr. Hutz Hertzberg
Adi Selfollari
Steve Mason
Kenny Damara
Aneesh John Symonds