A Word that Displays Divine Finality

“Therefore, when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.”—John 19:30


The one who changed water into the best wine at the wedding in Cana, receives the worst, the cheapest wine, on a dirty, filthy sponge. And it is as if, as soon as he receives the worst drink they could give Him, he drinks symbolically of the cup of sin. And having done so, Jesus finishes the mission His Father had sent Him to accomplish. It is finished! The Greek word is “Tetelestai:” the goal has been reached, the purpose fulfilled.      


You ask, “What is finished?” At the cross the entire plan of redeeming lost mankind was executed by the Son of God. The payment for the forgiveness of sins was made in full. The holy wrath of God against sin and sinful man was satisfied for all who believe. The eternal pardon and security of believers was secured. The plans of the Devil to steal, kill and destroy were all foiled. The gift of salvation by grace, through faith in Jesus was secured. All of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to His Church were made sure. And much more…


At the cross, Jesus finished the work He came to do: namely to save us from our sin. The Bible says in Hebrews 1, having purified our sins by Himself, Jesus sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high. One who finishes, sits down. And because it is finished, there is nothing for you and I to do, but to believe in Jesus—put the entire weight of our hope and faith and trust on the Lord Jesus Christ, stop striving for acceptance from God, and rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ.


Are you trusting in Jesus and in His finished work on the cross?

Kenny Damara            


A Word that Restores Fatherly Confidence


A Word that Displays Human Frailty