A Word that Grants Assurance

“And Jesus said to Him, “Truly I say unto you, today you shall be with me in paradise.””—Luke 23:43


Jesus, crucified in the middle of two criminals truly deserving death, is mocked by one of them who asks Jesus to save himself and them, if He really were the Christ. Mathew and Mark recount that both thieves initially were against him. But Luke records that something happened to the other thief while he was hanging on the cross. As his fellow criminal mocks Jesus, this other thief sees Jesus for who He really is: one who is innocent and has never done wrong. In fact, he sees Jesus as one who, though dying now, would live and reign in His kingdom. Hence His plea, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”


I like to think of this man as having been converted on the cross, by faith in Christ. What was meant as his death sentence by human authority, was turned by Divine authority into his life sentence, and his entry into Paradise. Jesus, in response to his plea says, “Truly I say unto you, today you shall be with me in paradise.” Not eventually, but that very day, as Jesus entered the presence of His Father, this thief would follow. But notice that Jesus begins by saying, “Truly.” It was guaranteed, not something left to chance. It is a word of absolute assurance: assuring salvation, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life in Heaven.


Do you have this blessed assurance of being with Jesus after you die, or are you still unsure today? Many people, even those who attend church, struggle with assurance of salvation and are hopeless. If you are one such, turn to Jesus and cry out for Him to remember you. It is guaranteed He will honor such a request.

Kenny Damara


A Word that Begins Relationships


A Word that Lifts Burdens