The Author wrote Himself into His Story

Mostly everyone likes a good story. There’s something captivating about how events in peoples’ lives begin, progress, and end. But the key to a good story is how problems are resolved. Most stories have a protagonist or a hero who saves the day. Authors who tell stories the best are those who know how to set up the problem and introduce the hero into seemingly impossible settings, so that despite the odds, the hero triumphs. Great authors can do that. What even the greatest human authors cannot do however, is literally and physically enter the world they have created with their words. God, however, is different.

God is the Author of life. The Bible says He created it all by the word of His mouth, knowing that there would be a problem called sin: human beings, characters in God’s story of life, rebelling against the Author of life. So He wrote Himself into the story, literally entering the world He created—the Word becoming flesh—in the person of Jesus Christ, to rescue us from our greatest problem, sin and death. Christ’s entry into the world was to rescue written-in creature-characters and restore them to a direct relationship with their Creator-Author.  

That in a nutshell, is the Christmas story.

You can know more about the Author by reading His book, the Bible, and learning about what role you play in His story. 

© Kenny Damara—April, 2019/2022


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