There are historians. There are history-makers. Then there is the Lord of History, Jesus Christ, the One on whom all of history hinges.
Hope in Him to write your story.
Kenny Damara
Who is Jesus?
This is the most important question someone can ask in life, because of the ramifications of its answer. The answer to this question defines your identity in this life, and decides your destiny in the life to come. Give this short video a watch.
If you have been searching for who Jesus is (watch our video above), then perhaps the next question you have is “How do I know Jesus?” If so, please read on.
How to Know Jesus?
Endurance Experts
In a highly-connected global village, the flow of world-views from East to West (and vice versa) has great potential for good, but also some dangerous pitfalls. What are some of those potentials and pitfalls, and how do they relate to the way in which we respond to the suffering we experience? How do those in the millennial generation and the generations that follow—whether living in the East or the West—stay committed to God and others through their suffering? Endurance Experts begins the journey that explores the answers to these questions and more.
Divided Desire
Can your ultimate desire ever be fulfilled? Everywhere you look, every time you listen, with each click and tap, there's something you desire. How do you know if what you desire will satisfy, or if you are seeing a desire mirage" The global village presents countless ways to connect to all kinds of information. We think we can scarcely live without these connections. Do we realize, however, that these connections often block or slow down connections to God, self, and others? Divided Desire is a journey along the road of desire-a road everyone travels. Along the journey, Kenny Damara explores why we desire what we desire in the global village today. What role does God have in fulfilling the ultimate desire of the heart? And how should we respond"
This is our ministry report from Uganda and Kenya, where we partnered with various churches and organizations. Kenny Damara had the privilege of ministering in various settings, from August 25th to Sept 12th, 2023.
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Featured Posts
Why pray if God knows everything?
To answer, let me begin by saying, yes, God does already have a plan, that is for sure. For example, in Jeremiah (29:11), God says, “I know the plans I have for you…” At the same time, that very God asks us to pray, as seen again in Jeremiah (33:3) where He says, “Call upon me and I will answer you…” These two facts may seem at odds with each other. However, they are not at odds…
The Millennials Gospel
One of the marvels of the Church of Jesus Christ is the inherent mechanism the Church has to correct and be corrected whenever we stray from truth and stray from practicing that which ought to be our primary focus. The cry of the Reformers was Semper Reformanda, which simply means always reforming. It is as if the Designer of the “software”…
What People Are Saying
"I have read your articles while I was in prison two years back. ... I [was] touched and very interested. I keep your literature to read every now and then... and through your marvelous transforming literature from your ministry, my life has never been the same again... your messages I read changed me to accept [the] divine call from God into church as a teacher of the word of God."
— Dennis Onywoki, commenting on our blog posts via email
"This book explains the interrelationships between an eastern interpretation of suffering and the Christian interpretation, with its conviction that there is both purpose and meaning in the hardships of life. Best of all, this book shows that if we suffer well, we shall be amply rewarded. No matter how much you have read about suffering, this book will give you a fresh perspective on the problem of suffering that has plagued philosophers and theologians throughout the centuries. You will be blessed with both hope and courage during those dark times when our faith is tried."
— Erwin W. Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus, Moody Church, Chicago, in his endorsement of Endurance Experts
"An excellent perspective on suffering with instruction on “how” and “why” to respond Biblically, as God expects, versus common worldly efforts at escapism or the futile secular quest for Utopia. Using marathon running as an analogy and insightful examples from the Bible, notably Jesus and King David, Damara provides powerful teachings from Scripture on how we can see our way through even the greatest of difficulties." -
— Dave, commenting on Endurance Experts via Amazon