Thankful for 2021?

Are you thankful for 2021? Yes, it has been a downer of a year for many of us, in many respects: lost loved ones, lost jobs, fractured relationships, ill health, and a myriad other negatives. But as sure as you are reading this blog entry, you are “here,” in the land of the living. Therefore, there must be something to be thankful to God for in 2021­, right—something which makes you look up to God in Heaven and present a heart of gratefulness for? What is that for you? Perhaps there are many things for which you can thank God.

The Bible says in Psalm 92:1, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord.”  It is good, for many reasons, but one reason that stands out is that thankfulness to God for the past, sets us up to trust God for the future.  An unthankful heart on the other hand, causes us to view the future through the lens of fear and suspicion, and doubt God’s ability to bless us and be good to us on the road ahead.


As we enter 2022, I don’t know (and you don’t know) what the future holds. But we know that God knows. And we know that God is pleased when we thank Him for the past and trust Him for the future. If you think about it, that’s really the only way to enjoy the present.


We at Hope in Truth Ministries are thankful to the Lord for allowing us to officially launch in 2021. We are thankful to the Lord for Life for India and the gracious flexibility of their leadership in allowing us to partner with them. We are thankful for each of you who are partnering with us financially through your donations, and for those who are partnering with us spiritually through praying. I am personally thankful for the good Board we have. We are thankful for the fruit God has allowed us to bear for His glory in a few short months. We have been able to achieve a good deal, and have kept you regularly updated through our monthly updates. If you haven’t signed up for the updates, please do so at the bottom of our Home page.  


As we enter 2022, we are trusting God to open doors of ministry that only He can open, and no man can shut; to provide for us as an organization through generous donations from friends like you; and to set the saints of God to praying for us. If you feel so led, would you please consider a year-end-gift to Hope in Truth Ministries? You can donate by clicking the button at the bottom right of this page. Thanks in advance for your generosity.

Would you also please consider praying for us to enter 2022 in such a position that we are both equipped and ready for the doors God will open for us, to proclaim and defend the message of Jesus Christ? We will continue doing this by way of preaching (where ever in the world we are sent or invited), writing, and putting out relevant audio-video content. So, we need your support.


Remember, the Lord is still in control even though the world around seems to be spinning out of control. God, the eternal One, remains unchanged even as “time like everlasting stream bears all its sons away.” May we then continue to remain thankful to God, and trust Him implicitly for the New Year ahead. God bless you.


—Kenny Damara        


What is Hope?


Jesus and John Hick’s Elephant